| |
Patches, upgrades, missions, & utilities

Latest and possibly the best real-time strategy game based on
historical WWII.
The latest and last tanksim for a while.
Check out the stuff in the Steel
Beasts Assembly Area
NEW !!!
Steel Beasts v1.195 Upgrade (8.9MB,
This upgrade
should be installed ONLY over v1.14 or greater!
(You can verify the version number by looking at the upper right hand
corner of the splash screen when you start up SB.) If you have an
earlier version, install
v1.14 patch below first!
To install the upgrade, first create a temporary folder on you computer,
called SBTemp. (You can do this using Windows Explorer.) Click on a link
below and save the file to SBTemp. After the download is complete, find
SBUpgrade1195.zip in SBTemp and unzip the contents into SBTemp. (You
will need a program like
WinZip to do
this.) Now, find SBUpgrade1195.exe. in the SBTemp folder and run it.
You must have the original Steel Beasts CD in order to install this
upgrade. After the upgrade has been successfully installed, you can
delete the SBTemp folder.Patch 1.195 Includes New Features:
All fixes in previous patches plus:
This upgrade adds over a dozen new features, including
an improved gunnery model of the M1A1, improved joystick response and
joystick centering, better control over infantry and more capable AI
infantry, and new missions.
Much more -
me file
NEW !!!
Steel Beasts v1.195 patch (8.9 MB)

Steel Beasts (non-retail)
v1.14 Upgrade (3.7MB, 2/1/01)
To install the
upgrade, first create a temporary folder on you computer, called SBTemp.
(You can do this using Windows Explorer.) Click on a link below and save
the file to SBTemp. After the download is complete, find SBPatch14.zip
in SBTemp and unzip the contents into SBTemp. Now, find
SBPatch14.exe. in the SBTemp folder and run it. You must have the
original Steel Beasts CD in order to install this upgrade. After the
upgrade has been successfully installed, you can delete the SBTemp
Note: You do NOT need
this upgrade if your ordered Steel Beasts through eSim Games! The
version we are shipping is v1.14.
Steel Beasts v1.14 patch (3.7 MB)

Steel Beasts Wallpapers - Crafted by Shadow


Steel Beasts custom scenarios
of the Hill -
The ultimate 1vs1 or 2vs2 multiplayer scenario!
Wind your way through a maze of forests and bogs to capture the
defensible high ground. Last player alive at the summit wins. By
Jack Black, Tanksim.com
- Red forces are making a strategic advance towards Holland through the former east Germany.
By Leigh Edwards.
3 - Europa Battalion Advance. By
Leigh Edwards.
p4- Multiplayer part of the series. By
Leigh Edwards. |
- Maps
- collected by Shadow
Check out the stuff in the Steel
Beasts Assembly Area
Final version of Patch 1.2 is online.
It replaces ALL prior patches and can be applied to
ALL versions on english, german and french versions. Polish, Russian,
Chinese and Japanese versions are NOT supported with this patch.
This patch adds:
- Joystick Fixes with newer USB sticks, removes
throttle problems on most new joysticks
- Multiplayer now works under Windows XP and Windows
- Updated instant action scenarios (MajorD IA fix)
And all other added features and fixes. Make sure you
read the ReadMe.doc which is updated. The readme has some information at the
start of the document and a more detailed fixlist at the end of the
Panzer Elite Wallpapers - Crafted by
Please report
any dead links. We have copies of all patches, so if the original
download site shuts down, you are not left high and dry.
In order to update the Armored Fist 2 program to version 1.03,
download AF2V103.EXE to your desktop. Then execute the file to implement
the changes to your program.
Fist 3 Update (version 1.00.20) (02/10/00)
This update is not territory specific. It can be
used to update all versions of the game.
You should download this file only if you are having
trouble obtaining the live update from within the game. The
update will download only the files that are needed, therefore reducing
download time. Manually installing
the update will download all
files whether or not you actually need them.
Installation Instructions:
1. Download af3upd8k.exe to your hard disk (preferably to your
desktop so you can easily find it)
2. Run af3upd8k.exe by double clicking the file.
3. Locate the folder where Armored Fist 3 was installed.
4. Click OK.
Armored Fist 3 Wallpapers - Crafted by
Cosmo, Toff
Please report
any dead links. We have copies of all patches, so if the original
download site shuts down, you are not left high and dry.
Panzer Commander 1.3 "Full
Patch" Requirements
You may install the Panzer
Commander 1.3 "Full Patch" over any older version of Panzer
Commander. To see what version of the game you have, launch the game,
and look at the version number in the lower left of the
"Loading" screen. If it already says version 1.3, you do not
need to download and install the patch.
How to install the Panzer Commander 1.3 Patch:
After downloading the 1.3 patch, double click on it. A pop up panel will
appear. Note that the default directory shown on the pop up panel (under
the heading "Unzip To Folder:") is C:\Panzer Commander. If you
have installed Panzer Commander to another area, simply type the correct
path over C:\Panzer Commander. As an example, if you have Panzer
Commander installed in C:\Program Files\SSI\Panzer Commander, you must
type this in, paying careful attention to spacing, etc. Once you have
made sure that you have the right "Unzip To Folder" listed,
simply click on the "Unzip" button in the upper right hand
corner of the panel and wait until a small pop up panel saying "777
file(s) unzipped successfully" appears, then click on the
"OK" button, and close the larger panel. When you launch
Panzer Commander, you should see V1.3 printed in the lower left corner
of the "Loading...." screen.
- install the Panzer Commander 1.3
"Full Patch" over any older version of Panzer Commander.
Custom Missions and Campaigns |
- (1.12 MB) - campaign for the 1st SS-Panzerdivision "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler"
Panzer Commander Wallpapers - Crafted by
Please report
any dead links. We have copies of all patches, so if the original
download site shuts down, you are not left high and dry.
M1TP2v1-2 patch
Please Unzip the M1TP2v1-2.zip file directly into the M1 directory.
This document addresses issues from M1 Tank Platoon II, including fixed
bugs, altered controls, and new additions to the game.
Sponauer's M1TP2 custom files and Utilities - tons of stuff!
M1 TP2 Wallpapers - Crafted by
Patch abrmv110
Dossiers will no longer freeze up if your default name is longer than 15 characters, even if your default Windows 95 name is longer.
Jets and helicopters retain their line-of-sight advantages, but no longer
fire missiles through hills. Their line-of-fire is restricted by terrain,
just like everyone else.
In multi-player versions forts (bunkers) are now set up correctly for all players.
The battle score equation has been refined slightly, making it harder to
achieve a "perfect" score of 100.
Please report
any dead links. We have copies of all patches, so if the original
download site shuts down, you are not left high and dry.
German Patch Version 1.1 - This patch fixes several in game
text problems.
Technologies informed Tanksim.com that they have made changes to the
Spearhead server. It is necessary for Spearhead players to make a small
change in their spearhead.ini file in order
to connect to the lobby server:
Custom scenarios --
Alley - run a gauntlet of enemy tanks to intercept a
terrorist's helo before he escapes! Rescue an F-117 pilot from bounty
hunters. (Read the mission
Alpha Strike
- bigger and better challenges for Spearhead players.
- Your mission is to take and hold the Red-occupied town of Sidi Ahmed to the North.
Also includes the mission "Lost and Found". |
More coming soon! If you have any custom missions
for Spearhead, send them in and we'll post them here. SEND
Major upgrade, revamps the entire sim. Version 1.10 of iPanzer '44 fixes a number of problems encountered
by players:
A peculiar field-of-fire bug affecting only anti-tank guns has been fixed.
Ranging (with the space bar) in the turret view should work better. |
If you are out of a specific ammunition type, the gunner informs
you with a text
message in the communications area at the bottom
of the screen. |
Smoke is a better indicator of damage. In general, only vehicles
severely crippled
or destroyed burn and show a plume of smoke. |
Various other minor bugs have been found and fixed. |
Please report
any dead links. We have copies of all patches, so if the original
download site shuts down, you are not left high and dry.