Steel Beasts Pro
Personal Edition
March 12, 2006

Marcel “Skybird“ Hoell
Page 10: Summary SUMMARY
You want parting shots from me? Haven’t I already hit all the
markings? eSim delivers a superior simulation here. In some minor parts
it may not be finished yet but what already is there, works perfectly,
reliably, superbly. From my novice’s impressions I must assume I only
rarely have experienced a military sim that is closer to reality in
terms of realism and immersion. Only the heavily modded incarnations of
Falcon4 come to my mind and to some degree Sub Command/Dangerous Waters,
which all have to fight with bigger technical issues and malfunctioning
details than SBP. If you are exclusively navy-oriented then the few
rivers and lakes in SBP probably will not please you. If you have an
exclusive fetish in flying, you better stay away. But if you have even a
small general interest in military sims that feature both cockpit and
strategy/tactic aspects and are leading beyond pure Navy and Airforce
stuff, then you definitely should consider SBP to be a must-have. I am
sure that it will breathe new life into the tanksim genre. I am also
sure that future competitors of the next years will not even come close
to this masterpiece. This is the most convincing software release that I
bought during the last couple of years. Mission accomplished, eSim, and
Skybird happily awards you a virtual congressional medal! With future
add-ons adding new features it all can just become even better.
And now let the beasts rule, for it is the time of the beasts!

Credits and links
System Requirements
(Recommended specs are in
parentheses.): 1.5 (2.5) GHz CPU; 256 (512) MB RAM; 64 (128) MB,
DirectX9-Capable Graphics Accelerator (GeForce 3 class or better); 1.6 GB
available hard disk space; Free USB port; Mouse; CD-ROM; Microsoft Windows 2000
/ XP with Service Pack 2 installed. (Steel Beasts will NOT run on Windows NT.);
DirectX version 9.0 (or better) installed; For better playing experience, a
sound card and joystick are recommended.

Copyright © 2006