Page 8: GameplayGAMEPLAY
It’s a blast! Once you lead a storming armored assault from your lead
tank, you’ll be hooked to the "Geronimo!" feeling and will not give up on
it again too soon. Immersion is very high, you will really become a part
of the simulated world unfolding around you, and the team you are fighting
in. It’s a kind of immersion different from that like in SH3, for example.
There it comes from breathing the atmosphere of the 1940s, here it comes
from the action directly. Both sims rank high in immersion, but both sims
are very different, show immersion caused by different factors.
SB Pro is focused on tank warfare at company level but you can do
battles on higher (battalion) and lower (platoon) levels, too. I
nevertheless recommend you follow procedures from real armies: try small
first! And do not try all tanks at the same, but specialize: learn one
vehicle, and this one in-depth, before going to the next. One vehicle type
and one platoon for us newbies! Good advice, believe me, the learning
curve to master the tactics is steep and long. Commanding a whole company
that is spread over a wide front easily can become a confusing experience
once the enemy starts picking your units away. But the simulator can
handle battalion–sized battles, too, and some say even brigade-sized
battles, but I haven’t tried that – but it already is on battalion level
were an adequate description necessarily must feature the word "bombastic"
in it. Prepare yourself for the most brutal land-warfare action you have
ever seen, it’s harsh, unfriendly direct and most unforgiving, and when a
major engagement with tanks, artillery and missiles has started, you
immediately know why war often is described as pre-planned order turning
into total chaos within just seconds of time, especially when the mission
gives you a massive, number-heavy onslaught according to Soviet
"wave"-doctrine. During fighting you see why this is a simulator, and no
game – the design of the sim does not allow the smallest compromise in
order to increase pleasure and survivability for the player. If you mess
it up, you are dead, and no-one asks if it was a short match only or if
you had pleasure from participating in it – period. There is a very
"robust", very "critical", very "massive", very "heavy" and "serious"
feeling in all that happens, may it be driving your tank peacefully, or
letting loose a shot, or getting hit, or finding yourself inside an
artillery barrage. Sound, graphics, immersion, realism, AI, gameplay all
combine to give you a very impressive experience that is truly unique.
The sim has a nice representation of the "feeling to drive", the view
slightly rocks back and forth and to the sides when you roll over the
terrain and order sudden changes to the driving direction, or slam the
brakes. It gives you a great feeling of actually riding something heavy,
not just a pixel mask overlay over a 3D graphics-engine on a monitor
screen. Although tanks still cannot turn over when sliding off a steep
cliff, for example, different kinds of vehicles are limited in different
ways to climb envelopes that are too steep for a vehicle of that kind to
be climbed. Don’t expect you can go everywhere you want simply because you
have tracks under your chassis.
Like in SB1 you can play from "abstract" screens both for the TC’s and
gunner’s position, with command icons at the bottom (that I never use
since I have the according keyboard commands mapped to my HOTAS setup),
but for the Leo2A5, the M1 and the M2 you have additional 3D cockpit with
instruments available now, giving you that flight simulator experience.
The Leo2A5 has the most detailed and most functional 3D-interior. It is
possible that in the future more major vehicles will get 3D cockpits, too.
Think of these cockpits as "Il-2" for tanks, and boy, does it look good!
Especially the Leo2A5’s cockpit is combat-efficient, you can really use
them to play from, they are not static photographs. Plenty of immersion,
plenty of atmosphere. You really want to survive the battle once you
climbed into one of these metal cabins. But since it limits your
situational awareness, it is more difficult.
A) Foliage, trees and vegetation
Foliage and leafs are playing a significant role now when hiding
between trees or trying to shoot at an enemy with foliage blocking the
view, it is very effectively implemented, and it really can be a pain in
the ass, and you will see your tank almost "dance" to enable unblocked
view on your target. High grass also effectively can hide vehicles from
view or make sure for only a blurred image instead of a sharp one. It came
as a very welcomed surprise to me that I needed to use not only the
thermal view for aiming but in such situations the optical view as well,
especially over longer shooting distances. Add to this that TIS no longer
is a supervision with unlimited range and you can imagine that visual
identification now will be very difficult. You will fire at targets that
are only vague, hard-to-see shadows in TIS due to it’s lower resolution
and lower range, and optical vision also being blocked by vegetation and
foliage. It’s a complete new game in this regard and has not much to do
with SB1 anymore.
B) TIS (thermal image system)
The TIS (thermal imaging system) also has changed since SB1. Where it
was almost unlimited in range in SB1 (fixed at 5 km), it now depends on
the weather conditions and usually will produce maximum viewing ranges
that will really confront you with a curtain behind which the enemy can
hide. I haven’t measured this detail precisely but by feeling I would say
the viewing range varies between maybe 2 and a maximum of 4 km (under most
optimal conditions) in TIS. That TIS is no more unlimited in range and
that it depends on weather, is the important info to keep in mind. You
will only see a light blip before slightly darker background, if the
vehicle is let’s say 3 km away. Identification via TIS is very difficult
now and only possible at short ranges. In TIS you see that there is
something but to know WHAT it is you need to switch to daylight optics or
the target must be located closer to you. Textures of the background also
are not given to the extent they were represented in SB1, instead a good
amount of "white noise" had been added, further deteriorating your view.
Also important is vehicle’s orientation to you. Tanks do not have the same
heat signature when being viewed at from different directions, their rear
is much hotter than their front (with the tank’s hull blocking the hot
exhaust gas), so you will see a tank’s frontal armor much later on TIS
then you do see him when scanning his rear. In fact he can manage to
remain invisible to your TIS even at a range where you would spot him when
using daylight optics, especially when he is hiding with some vegetation
in the background and around him. Possible you don’t see him as long as he
does not fire.
All this means another thing: if night ever will be implemented in SBP,
you will often find yourself in situations were you cannot identify a
hotspot that you have discovered on your TIS, neither it’s vehicle type
nor it’s identity – you would need to make a reasonable guess depending on
map positions and timetable for your own unit’s movements. They had one
thread in the forum some time ago that went deep into the TIS, saying that
the quality of what you see in TIS also varies with monitor screen
resolution, quality of gfx board and the AA and AF settings. I simply say
that this thread was there, without commenting on it. I did no tests
Generally: TIS is said to have become far more realistic now and much
closer to the real thing, so best advise is: forget all the faulty
behavior you learned by getting used to the wonderful super-TIS of SB1 –
it’s not like that anymore.
C) The tanks
The stars of the sim are of course the MBTs and the happy couple of
M1AbramsA1 and Leo2A4 has been joined by the A5-variant of the Leo-2 and
the Leo1. The Leo2A5 seems to be the most modern tank being used in the
The differences between the Western tanks are much like what they were
in SB1, the American tank has slightly better protection and armor than
the Leo2A4 (not sure on the A5) and thus can survive more hits (at the
cost of losing more and more of it’s gunnery-supporting systems), while
the German Leo2A5 features easier firing procedures and better situational
awareness for the TC with his added periscope. The main difference between
the A4 and A5 of the Leo2 is that the A5 has more frontal armor, and the
tank commander has better options to raise his situational awareness. The
M1’s fuel consummation is a nightmare, no matter if it rests or is at high
speed – it’s turbine always consumes the maximum amount of gasoline, where
as the German Diesel’s fuel rate depends on the level of activity and even
at full speed is far less than that of the M1. The American tank has a
slightly higher acceleration but the German tank outruns him in terms of
maximum speed. The A1-type of the M1 does not have the IVIS system of
later types, that’s why I say SA is better for the German commanders, for
they have that periscope the M1 is missing, and the Leo2A5 also has a
thermal screen for the commander now that the Leo2A4 and M1A1 are missing.
But the use of the periscope has to be learned to turn it into a real
advantage, else you find yourself wasting time spinning the view around
and around without developing the mental image of the situation around
your tank. In fact the Leo2A5 is my new love to be used in SB. I would
love to see the A6 one day with its longer gun barrel (and added armor?).
So the M1 is a bit more robust and has a better punch over longer
distance, while the Leo2 is better in ergonomics and SA. In capable hands
both tanks can deal with the other model in lethal fashion. While the
Americans have copied the German tank cannon, a 120mm, both use different
kinds of ammunition, and the US SABOT with it’s DU penetrator of course
makes a difference over the long range, while even as an Abrams driver you
certainly wouldn’t like to pick up a German Tungsten-Carbon KE ammo that
got delivered from the same cannon that the Abrams is using. Both
ammunitions are deadly if shot at ranges up to 1500-1800 meters, their
differences come into play at ranges beyond these values. I cannot judge
the differences between the various round models produced in different
years, but the mission briefing always specifies them. This detail is
beyond my knowledge and experience. At short ranges all SABOT ammunition
types (of German and US design) tend to be of equal lethality, because
their effectiveness at close range have penetration powers in the overkill
range. As an Abrams driver you maximize the advantage of your tank when
fighting over longer ranges, it appears to me (as I already thought in

I mean even as an Abrams player you have no reason to be
over-confident, the plus in punch and armor doesn't make you invincible,
and as Leo player you have almost as good a chance as your Abrams
counterpart – you just need to play different. As tank commander I find my
job to be much easier in the Leo2A5, especially when you restrict yourself
to playing from within the cockpit only. I personally already preferred
the Leo in SB1, not for national sentiments, but because I can make more
advantage of the bonus in ergonomics and SA than of the better armor and
uranium-ammo in the Abrams, and shooting in the Abrams also has a higher
risk of a miss (the procedure differences significantly from the shooting
in the Leo2s), the shooting procedure is also solved more easily in the
German tanks, in my personal opinion, but it maybe is better considered to
be a question of taste. I died less often in a Leo than in an Abrams (I
think for most players it has been the other way around), but by
psychological attitude I found myself fighting different in both tanks,
more statically in the American model, accepting the higher chances of
getting hit, and opening fire at a longer range; more mobile or from
camouflaged positions that I quickly withdraw from with the German tank in
order to avoid any hits at all, and waiting for the enemy to come a bit
closer while keeping out of sight. Probably one can make better use of the
Abrams than I do – admitted. I never said or wrote that I am the best
Steel Beasts player!
So far the Russian-made T72 and T80 are non-crewable (but it is planned
to make at least one of them playable), but appear in the game. Best
advise is not to get lulled by the on-paper-superiority of the western
tanks, both Russian tanks can be lethal if you don’t treat them with the
respect they deserve. Especially the T80 is a beast of an opponent, being
protected by reactive armor and having an effective firing range that
outclasses anything in the Western inventory, both cannons and ATGMs.
Russian tanks have lightweight penetrators in their ammunition but fire
them at higher muzzle velocity and traveling speed than Western tanks. The
T80’s cannon also fires a kind of special ammunition that is effectively
something like a laser-guided miniature missile with a range of 5 km,
where Western tanks try to avoid combat distances beyond let’s say 3 km).
And the T72 was a worthy rival for the Western tanks in its time and was
designed for to stop (Leo1, M60), it somewhat duplicated the design
philosophy of the Leopard 1 (high speed, light chassis, heavy turret).
That the modeled tanks in the sim are a bit more modern should make no-one
believe a T-72 is only cannon fodder for a Leo2 or M1. Act foolish, and he
eats you up. And the T80 time and again has proven to be a tough nut to
crack in my testing, when it is hull-down and engagement is over long
range. Don’t underestimate these Russian-made tanks! The Russians may be
crazy, but they surely have learned a thing or two about tank design.
Let’s have a closer look.
C1) The Leopard-1
The Leo-1 actually comes in two versions that are slightly different,
these are the versions that got delivered to the Danish and the Australian
military (Leo1A5DK, Leo1AS). In general, all the crewable tanks have 2x3
main stations/sights available, three for the commander, and three for the
gunner, exceptions are the "minor" vehicles like LAV, M113, and Humvee.
The Leo-1 TC has three positions to view at the world from when
standing in the turret, these mean: different altitudes: fully erected,
crouching behind the exterior sights, MG or whatever is mounted on top of
the turret, and inside the turret (hatch closed). He can use binoculars
from all three. He can also switch to the GPS extension sight, monitoring
what the gunner is seeing through his sights, and override him from there
to make him fire on a specific target. Daylight and zoomable TIS is
available for the Danes, for the Australians it is daylight only. He also
has the so-called pano-sight. I am not sure, for the sim currently ships
without documentation or tutorials for the Australian vehicles (tutorials
are in the works), but to me the pano-view very much seem to be what the
periscope in the Leopard-2 is.
The gunner has the primary sight (GPS), which shows the world in
daylight optics (fixed magnification), and TIS (zoomable, again the
Australians are handicapped and have daylight optics only). There also are
the auxiliary sights (GAS) for use in case that the primary systems fail
and stabilization is gone, here some scales and sights help to aim
manually, like they did in WWII.
The tank has a simplified driver’s station, too. Don’t expect
complexity here.
The differences between the Danish and the Australian Leo1 are minor,
and seem to affect only the sights. The Australians have two different
daylight sights where the Danish combine it in one but have an additional
TIS. Gameplay-wise, the difference in daylight optics did not make too
much difference to me, but the TIS is an important feature, of course.
It’s possible that I have missed something here. The Leo1 I explored by my
own attempts only, as I said, there is no documentation on the Australian
The firing procedure for the main gun is very similar to that of the
Leopard-2, although the crosshairs look a bit different.
C2) The Leopard-2A4
The TC has three viewing heights inside the turret (and binoculars) and
there is no 3D interior for this tank. The GPS extension allows overriding
or monitoring the gunner’s views in fixed daylight and zoomable TIS-optics.
The gunner has only a GPS (daylight, TIS zoomable), and a GAS for
emergency operation, and last there is a driver’s seat.
C3) The Leopard-2A5
It matches the model that was delivered to the Danes. It is the most
superior tank modeled in SBP, in my personal opinion.
The TC’s station has two viewing heights when standing in the turret
and looking outside the hatch (binoculars available), the third one enters
the 3D interior from perspective of the commander being deeply hidden
inside the turret. Via mouse you can turn your head freely and explore the
tank’s cockpit from there. The commander also can access the GPS extension
(TIS), which in this tank is not necessarily being shown in full screen,
but also in form of the monitor being embedded in the 3D interior graphics
– and it works. The Leo2A5 also has a zoomable periscope which is used for
scanning for targets by use of daylight optics, independently from what
the gunner does. The periscope can slave the gun to the commander’s view,
or the other way around, the periscope follows the gun’s movement.
The gunner also has a 3D-interior cockpit which can be explored via
mouse-view. His GPS offers daylight optics and fixed magnification, and
zoomable TIS. And for emergencies, of course there is the sturdy GAS. The
Leo2A5 has a simplified driver’s station.
C4) The M1A1 Abrams
The American MBT has two viewing heights for the TC outside the turret,
the third enters the 3D-interior mode, like in the Leo2A5. Unlike then
German tanks, American Abrams have both the TIS and daylight optics with
zoom-functions, so is it with the commander’s GPS extension as well.
Another difference is that the M1 has no periscope but allows the
to man the top-mounted heavy machine gun himself. Its side-movement is
controlled with mouse- or joystick-movements, but its vertical movement
must be done with the up- and down-arrow-keys. This mimics the need in the
M1A1 to handle that weapon via some internal hand cranks which gives the
commander better protection but makes the handling more complicated. This
sight is called CWS – commander’s weapon sight.
The gunner has a GPS with zoomable daylight and TIS-optics, and a GAS
whose helping scales to assist in judging distances is very different to
the way the German visors are done. I personally find the German method
more precise but it needs one or two additional working steps. The scales
must be adjusted, while in the American design they are fixed. The Abrams
has a simplified cockpit for the driver.
D) The IFVs
The Bradley also is available now, both the M2 and M3 variant, and that
is a whole new ball game. Both vehicles are equipped with 3D-interiors and
both share the same station design.
The commander is allowed two viewing heights outside the turret, and
the third option is inside. The M3 produces a massive clipping error here
that is not present in the M2. The developer is aware of this problem and
has already promised to address it. The commander’s GPS extension can
remain slaved to the gunner’s sights or he can override the gunner. The
GPS of the gunner allows zoomable daylight and TIS images. There is a GAS,
Of course you will use very different tactics when riding a Bradley.
You have TOWs available and a nice rapid fire cannon to deal with anything
in your class, but at no time your armor can deal with the monster
penetrators an MBT’s tank cannon is spitting at you. The cannon is
stabilized but has no computer assistance to apply lead. Firing the TOW is
more tricky than one might think, keeping the simple, unmarked crosshair
on target while it goes at high speed and bushes and trees may interfere
with line of sight is by far no self-running business. I find myself
switching to mouse control for that, like sometimes I use mouse for normal
tank gunning as well. You also need to plan the firing sequence some time
in advance in order to avoid the target reaching LOS-blocking terrain – I
fired several missiles just to see them streaking the empty air or falling
out of the sky when my target decided that it was time to play submarine
and disappeared behind something. In rugged terrain it can be a challenge
to handle this weapon against a rapidly maneuvering, maybe even
zig-zagging target with high angular speeds (means: a target passing you
so close that probably it already is too close for a recommended shot
anyway) or blocking terrain around, and maybe even more so to judge when a
good firing opportunity is, and when not. It is easy to waste a missile
when you did not calculate the target‘s movement and the missiles
traveling time correctly, so that the intended receiver of the surprise
finds time to take cover behind an obstacle, for example.
Currently the flight characteristics of the TOW is simplified, so
insiders may question its details but for the purpose of this sim it
doesn't matter. It is believable for the purpose this sim is aiming at.
Chances are good that the flight model will be fixed anyway later on, said
the sound wizard of SBP in one thread.
The thermal images in the Bradley are that old system, not green/white,
but red/black. Nice visual change adding to the atmosphere factor but
unfortunately a little low in contrast. Reloading the TOWs will take your
Bradley out of action for quite some time, giving you the opportunity to
count seconds in which you are almost defenseless for the procedure will
require movement of the turret that makes the cannon unusable. The
sequence also is animated. After you shot your two missiles from covered
position, it is ducking behind some massive obstacle, and reloading,
before driving back into firing position.
Since you also have a set of highly motivated, well-trained and never
complaining grunts aboard you enjoy the pleasure to command them to
disembark and join the action whenever you see it as a good idea.
The APCs
E1) The M113AS4 / M113A3 / M113 MICLIC
General design is the same for all three. The MICLIC is used to breach
passages through minefields by use of explosives. The M113 combines
functions of the TC and the gunner in one position.
The A3 allows the TC/gunner 3 height levels of viewing from the turret,
and a separate CWS for firing the top mounted machine gun. Instead of the
CWS, a GPS/GPS extension with zoomable daylight and TIS optics is
available in the AS4. The MICLIC has instead of the GPS a CWS for manually
firing the machine gun, like the A3, but it is a different weapon. All
three versions have a driver’s station
These vehicles are not documented and have no tutorials, since they
were part of the Australian upgrade of SBP. They also combine TC’s and
gunner’s positions. Additionally to 3 height levels of viewing from the
turret, the 25 has a GAS with zoomable daylight and TIS display, whereas
the PC has a separate CWS for the machine gun. Both vehicles have a
driver’s station, simplified.
F) The M1025 Humvee
It combines functions of the commander and gunner in one position. You
can sit, stand low, or stand high, and you can arm the MG on top and let
bullets fly. You also can take the driver’s seat and drive a Rally.
G) Onboard a modern MBT
When you jump into a mission, you usually board a vehicle and in most
cases this will be one of the MBTs available. Once you are inside, most of
the time you do three things: you drive around, you scan the landscape,
you fight and shoot. Additionally, you occasionally check the map.
As a commander you will need to tell your driver how to drive as long
as you do not follow a route automatically that had been previously set up
on the map, or during the briefing screen. The sim has several keys
available, by which you can order the driver to accelerate (3 speeds), to
decelerate, to reverse, to stop, to constantly turn to the left or the
right, or to do that in intervals of 22°. You also have rapid command keys
to order the driver to find a hull-down battle position or to continue
with a previously set route.
(These keys can also be used to command vehicles and units that you
cannot board, but that are allowed to be controlled by the scenario
designer. This must not always be [but can be] all units of your side.)
Alternatively you can mark a spot in the landscape from the turret
view, and then the driver will drive there and come to a halt right on the
mark. Fighting includes interaction of the commander, the gunner, and the
loader, and the sim reflects this interaction to some degree, by
implementing voice commands. Both commander and gunner can scan the
environment, the commander using his extension sights, the periscope (in
the Leopards) or the binoculars. The gunner always uses his primary sights
(as long as they are available). Once the gunner sees a target, he may
tell the commander so ("Target!"), and then waits for the commander
checking what the gunner currently sees on his own sights and eventually
issuing a fire command ("Fire!"). The fire-command would be followed by a
command on what kind of ammo the loader should load next ("Load
HEAT/Sabot!"). If the hit was lethal, the commander will order to fire at
a different target, or to cease fire. If the target is still alive, he
will order to shoot at it again. He will also confirm misses, or urge the
gunner to get his job done faster.
The commander also can override the gunner via GPS extension or
periscope and forcing the gun to swing to where the commander currently is
looking and then issuing a fire-command. If the gunner does not see the
target, he will ask the commander to aim the sights again, or more
precisely ("Identify!").
The commander finally has the option to override the gunner completely
and operate the gun himself in slave mode. The commander finally can order
the gunner to use battlesight range, which means the gunner will not check
the distance to target via laser but will put the crosshair onto the
target and then immediately pull the trigger. All these working steps and
their voice commands have their keyboard pendants in SBP.
In some tanks the gunner can toggle two laser modes, called first and
last return. First return means the ballistic computer will calculate with
the value of the first reflection he gets. This is used for targets far
away and with no blocking terrain between them and the shooter, the laser
beam eventually will not be entirely blocked by the targets silhouette, so
second reflections from the background of the target can occur and thus
are filtered out. In this case the gunner will aim a little higher so that
the laser will not bounce off the ground in front of the target. Last
return is for targets that close (or big) that they will block the entire
laser beam. This setting makes sure that a reflection of an obstacle
between target and shooter, a piece of foliage for example, will not be
entered into the ballistics computer. Laser range finders can overheat and
burn through (Leopard: shut down for a while to cool down again), if fired
too long or too often.
By accumulating hits, the tanks can receive so much damage that gun
stabilization, laser range finder, ballistics computer, and turret
servomotors could fail to work. So despite the normal, fully operational
working state, there are two emergency states that are switched to. Here
the value of the laser range finder must be entered manually into the
ballistics computer, or the range must be estimated by using the aiding
scales in the gunner’s auxiliary sights. In worst cases the turret even
must be moved by using hand cranks (hitting the arrow keys). To compensate
for the movement of targets, lead must be added to the calculation of a
firing solution. This usually is done by the computer, but in emergency it
will have to be added manually by the gunner, by estimating it in the
sights. Gun elevation also may fail to be calculated by the computer and
then needs to be done manually.
Disabled crew members will increase the time periods that actions will
consume that are related to that crew member’s position.
H) Infantry
Important note: please do not roll over your friendly ground troops.
They are said to be stunned by this impertinence for the rest of the
session. Trying to roll over enemy soldiers is not such a good idea
either, for it brings you into range of their AT-missiles. If rolling over
someone, no matter if friend or foe, don’t be surprised that he will not
rise from the ground anymore – a tank weighs between 40 and 70 tons.
Infantry in SBP is not omnipotent but it gives you more things to think
about than in SB1--it can be quite lethal. They know how to set up a
fight. An engagement in woods with infantry carriers on both sides can
easily become a hair-raising affair. I even set up a sort of skirmish with
no MBTs at all, only BTRs and Marders and Bradleys, and some Jaguars and
M901 far away, and had a lot of exciting things to see, plus plenty of
infantry engagements. But casualties amongst infantry in general are high.
So far no fatigue model is implemented, neither for vehicle crews nor for
foot soldiers, and the pixel buddies also do not know different movement
speeds. While for longer marching they seem to walk a little bit too fast,
they definitely walk too slowly for situations where a soldier eventually
would prefer to run (to jump behind cover, for example). But these details
are minor details only and really not the true scope of this simulation.
And the developer indicated in a thread in autumn 2005 that infantry is
likely to be focused on in the first addon/improvement they plan to bring
out later this year. So far the developer described infantry’s abilities
as being "basic", and generally high casualty rates should be expected. In
terms of weapons it has the punch to defeat armor, so it needs to be
treated with respect, especially in woods and at short ranges, but it’s
efficiency very much depends on the way the player controls it.
I found attacking with infantry to be suicidal, it is better to keep it
as a blocking force, or use it for scouting and calling artillery. The
tools to do so will be upgraded in a future update, too, the developer
said. He also left no doubt that it is his intention to limit the variety
of actions infantry is capable of, if this would be needed to make sure
that these actions then will be handled (and animated) competently,
instead of letting them do anything at the price of nothing working well.
As you expect, tanks in woods with hostile infantry is not a good idea.
I also realized why many people in the Bundeswehr will miss the
to-be-replaced Marders, for their vehicle class they seem to have
incredibly heavy armor, far more robust than the Bradleys, but inferior
armament. The Bradleys excel in armament. The BTRs and BMPs: hmm, think I
will always pick another APC than that. I don’t trust them.
I) This and that
Bridges are solid objects now and thus will receive far more attention,
as will bridge-layering equipment like the bridge-layer tank "Biber" for
example. Although the developer thinks of them as being "sketchy", they
worked elegant and flawlessly for me so far. The animation is nicely done
when they unfold their bridge to reach over a river or make a too steep
ridge-line passable for the following tanks. They can also pick them up
A remark on steep slopes. Lighter vehicles tend to decrease their
speed, the more steep the terrain is that they try to climb. There
definitely is a limit in steepness that can be mastered by a vehicle
class, I cannot judge if that steepness is in correspondence to the
steepness the vehicles can climb in reality. I must admit when trying some
testing on the Vietnam map with its very hilly terrain I sometimes had the
impression that the potential of the LAVs that I was using to climb those
hills felt a bit "über", (steepness around 45°) although they really
crawled up slowly that hill. On the other side of the hill, when they were
to drive down into the valley again, they soon gained speed and soon were
at racing speeds even when ordered to move slowly – they were carried away
by their own momentum. When ordering a turn, their own mass carried them
to the outside of the turn, so that sometimes they crashed into the trees
downhill-side, and sliding at 60°-angles to the moving direction of their
wheels, until the came to a halt and were stopped by a tree. This felt
really well-done but I cannot comment on the realism. Although having
doubts on the climbing power of the vehicles, I tend to like their
behavior under these extreme conditions. I would strongly recommend never
to rely on the driver to find a route if moving downhill a steep slope, he
will soon lose control and crash into a tree head-on sooner or later.
Control the movement from the TC’s position yourself, occasionally brake
down, then move again at slow speed (you will accelerate nevertheless and
make direction adjustments yourself to bring you around those trees).
Concerning cant: I also noticed that when the vehicle was positioned on
a very steep slope, you will see the world around you at an according
angle of inclination. The trees in the sights for example seem to grow at
30° angles. If you fire your MG then, you will see the tracers not moving
straight to the centre of the crosshairs, as you usually see, but they
will wander to the left or the right – the side where the bottom of the
valley is. Gravity distracts the bullets and make sure they still observe
the laws of mother nature. Take that drift into account when fighting on
steep slopes, you need to adjust your targeting a bit!
Fuel vehicles will refuel tanks now, if both are close enough and stand
still for enough time. Ammo-carriers work in the same way. I saw
screenshots of an ambush situation in which a road-traveling column of
tanks was stopped by detonated trees whose trunks fell onto the road and
effectively blocked it, and the editor knows the item of invisible
street-bombs or booby-traps (so-called IED: improvised explosive devices).
The manual confirms these things to work, but I haven’t tried them, and
the developer considers them to be too weak right now and will address
them in an update to make them a bigger threat. Ambulances also have a
function now, they "repair" disabled crew men. So, the possibility to
include such things via mission editor is there but in the short time of
testing I haven’t checked it thoroughly. My impression is that it works,
easy and elegant. Nevertheless, tanks can start with limited fuel onboard
(via mission editor), and missions can include refueling operations. While
it is also true (as confirmed by the developer) that you can block roads
with fallen trunks that had been positioned by the mission designer as an
obstacle, these objects cannot spawn during mission gameplay. However they
make the AI trying to find a way around the obstacle – if it becomes aware
of the enemy’s presence while doing that, this could result it frantic
maneuvering that one can interpret as the confusion you maybe would see in
reality, too.
I also like that scenarios now allow tanks to start with limited ammo,
simulating previous combat action that took place before the mission. It
makes a battle very difficult if you see yourself in need to retreat
behind a hilltop and then some distance after just half a dozen or a dozen
shots. You may want to replenish early, even if you still have some ammo
left, to be prepared for the unwelcome eventualities... A mission that in
SB1 (with its tanks that were always fully armed) was a breeze, now can be
a real challenge.
If you want a real tough nut, play with the Leopard-1. Clever team
efforts can win you a battle but nevertheless this tank is awfully
vulnerable – it cannot stand a single hit. You need to know what you are
doing and you need to execute your plan and timetable precisely, else you
are done (talking by experience). Also, gun caliber is smaller, where the
Leo2 can bite, the Leo1 eventually only causes a minor sting. I risked two
direct duels between T72- and Leo1-tankgroups, and always ended dead very
quickly with the Leos. It seems that with the Leo1 you play best when
acting defensively. Most people do not realize how excellent a design the
T72 was to counter the Western tank designs back in it’s era, the M60 and
the Leo1. In a thread, beta-testers reported that a clever team
nevertheless was able to win a duel with Leo1s against attacking M1s
(human controlled), due to competent tactic and excellent execution. It is
possible, but I feel somewhat naked in a Leo1. On the other hand, M2s and
M113 and Hummers are playable, too...
Talking of Hummers and Bradleys, I predict that players will make more
use of dedicated reccon units in SBP because their enhanced vision really
makes a difference. Also they seem to be harder to get spotted by the
enemy (the smaller, the more difficult – if this doesn’t make sense!). And
it has its own kind of suspense and thrill to approach the enemy with a
Hummer and some infantry, hiding close by and then observe the Red’s
movement like Indians sneaking on the settler’s trail.
I checked some of my favorite scenarios from SB1 after manually
adopting them for SBP (without cutting all the rough edges). Especially my
evergreen, the infamous "Battle for Netreba" left me highly impressed. The
village area surrounded by various water ways, with German and American
reinforcements racing for the battleground. Missile units and artillery
went wild and friendly Russian-equipped units tried to hold the line
against that flood of Russian armor coming down the valley. The scenario
gave me that feeling of "Custer’s Rush" as I call it, storming through
smoke and artillery barrages at full speed, and then the desperate fight
in the village, with more and more of my tanks getting picked away. That
scenario is always a most dramatic experience for me and most often I get
the artillery not correctly timed, so that "he" can avoid the barrages for
the most part. Timing your artillery means you need to plan the impact
area in advance and knowing where the enemy will be in one or two or three
minutes, eventually trying to guide him there by the use of obstacles,
minefields and direct fire. This alone is an art a novice like me finds
difficult to master, but if you get it right, you will feel a deep breath
of almost diabolic satisfaction! (Artillery procedures probably will be
made easier, but less detailed and thus less realistic, in SB2).
This is one of the sims were you already find it satisfying to set up a
short scenario with some tanks in the Berlin Grunewald and then watch them
from outside moving peacefully through the forest and down the forest ways
and towards their parking positions at a base. No kidding, I mean it! I
did so, and enjoyed it without a single shot fired. Immersion is somewhat
extremely high, although the sim’s graphics are good and solid, but lack
the excellence of, let’s say, Silent Hunter III.
After battle, the work of analysis begins. In form of the AAR-recorder
(after action report) you can replay the whole battle, stop at every point
of time, watch the events unfolding on the map, or in the 3D world. You
can even check when what tank got hit, and where – the impact on the hull
and the firing line will be precisely marked. Various options allow you to
see all enemy forces or see them only as they are inside your force’s
views. You can precisely analyze what worked and what went wrong, and why,
learning the reason behind, and by that finding out your mistakes. In most
games such replay features are gimmicks only, here it is essential, and
part of the heart and core of the reason why this training software even
was developed in reality. Having said that, it works easy with VCR-like
controls, and simple menu-options.
In a separate folder you will also find a HTML-logfile of the battle
you have completed. It lists comprehensive statistics. The file will not
be overwritten, so the content of that folder constantly grows: one log
for every battle you have ever done.
I have no insider-knowledge about the physics of tank weapons that
leads beyond the basic principles of various kinds of ammunitions like
SABOT, HEAT, plasmastreams, kinetic energy impact and so on. So I cannot
judge if it is realistic how the weapons are handled, but I can say that
what I saw looked very believable and always made sense for my novice’s
mind. Projectiles obviously do not travel in straight lines, and the
travel path is different (more arched) for a HEAT round than for a SABOT,
making it easier to hit with a SABOT than with a HEAT. I tested times
until impact with various ammunitions and over different distances and saw
a general tendency that travel times of a projectile reflect what could be
expected for that kind of round and travel distance; longer range
translates into longer traveling time, SABOT hits faster than HEAT and so
Speeds of projectiles are different, and it is very obvious that the
weapons depend on what part of a vehicle they hit, what kind of armor it
is, what the range is (if it is a kinetic round), and what the shooting
angle is, in order to calculate if the shot is penetrating enough to cause
damage or destruction. No need to mention that kinetic rounds lose
destructive energy with growing range and that it is more difficult to hit
your target with a HEAT than with a SABOT. "Cant" got implemented in the
sim with release of the Australian army’s version of SBP (a first in tank
games, as far as I do know). The sim is used for real gunnery training,
and replicas of gunner’s "HOTAS" are available, so I believe their word
when they say in regard to major weapon systems the sim is maxed out
concerning this. Reloading times of tank’s cannon are illustrated by
acoustical representation of what is going on when the loader does his
job. A shot will make the tank "jump" a bit, and when you are already at
the secondary sights due to battle damage, you will see that the visual
system is also affected and temporarily completely blinded out by the
various phases of reloading and aiming.
Also, as I said, the vehicles feel very believable when driving with
them, a lighter feeling with a smaller vehicle, a heavier feeling with a
heavy tank. A very solid, or better: "massive" experience. Damage
probability seems to increase when vehicles drive too fast in dense
vegetation and especially forests.
I also did not compare to the books‘ numbers if the armor of all the
tanks is 100% correctly modeled but I again checked the general tendencies
of this part of the sim. In their screenshot gallery they have wire-frame
diagrams of the tanks showing how complex armor and damage zones have been
defined and modeled. What you would expect as minimum standards seems to
be done pretty well and then quite a bit, and that turrets are better
armored than hulls, fronts more than flanks more than rears, must be
understood as being minimum standard for any tank sim. The M1 is, as
expected, a very tough nut to crack when engaging it‘s front, but even an
IFV’s cannon can eventually do damage to him, as to the Leo2, by ripping
away his exterior features and vision sights, or catching him from behind.
It’s better not to provoke him that way. I don’t know if it is fully
modeled that the rounds hit the sensors and sights, or if it is done
statistically only, but I can confirm to have fired with a Bushmaster onto
an M1 (same side), and when jumping into the M1 I got greeted with some
minor damage info from those parts that I aimed for (visors). The
wire-frame models also show that several external features of the tanks
are defined as separate damage zones.
Most damage you receive becomes evident when you go to the gunner’s
seat. Target and firing procedures are different in the M1 and the Leo2
but as long as laser range finder and stabilization still work and you use
primary sights for aiming, and adding lead to a moving target is
calculated by the computer, it is not really difficult. But when you start
to suffer from accumulating damage (and you will, believe me!) that will
take away auto-stabilization and LRF, then the situation easily becomes
hectic. In extreme cases the turret needs to be turned by using a hand
crank (quickly hitting the arrow keys while the turret still moves
painfully slow), and the secondary sights come up with manual crosshairs
that should help to estimate ranges. Adding lead must be done by you
manually, also entering the firing range into the ballistic computer. If
that thing is already gone, you aim very much like they did in World War
II, with optical sights that offer some optical aids in their crosshairs
to aim your shot and estimate the distance. You have reached the
hair-raising phase of the battle now! You will suffer from slower reaction
times, since the reloading procedure eventually will temporarily disable
your view possible through secondary sights, and then all those steps need
to be conducted again. Wounded or killed crewmen also could mean
increasing reaction times, or partly disabled functionality. At first you
will hate to fight with auto-modes gone but let’s face it: it’s hard to
survive a tank fight in SBP and it is unlikely that you will fight too
many battles without your tank being undamaged at the end. So it is at the
gunner’s secondary sights where the good players are separated from the
mediocre ones. You better try hard to master GSS-shooting.
Having said that, damage can also affect tracks, radio comms (which are
essential to command and coordinate your force and order an arty strike,
for example), engine and armor status. Damaged radios also means that the
position of sighted enemies or own forces is no longer updated, or updated
with greater delay. The map you use in your tank only reflects the
situation as it has been reported via radio, until radio calls were made
there will be no map update. The damage seems to be dynamically calculated
depending on the kind of ammo that struck the target, its armor, shooting
angle, and eventually the remaining destruction force that kinetic energy
translates into. You better learn to base your planning and action on the
primary and most golden assumption that a heavy main battle tank by far is
no invulnerable vehicle.
A nice anecdote: when doing the testing for the weapon effects, I
repeatedly fired hundreds of shots from tank’s machine guns. And two times
I managed to break that thing. It was listed as a damaged item with a
repair time of around 5:00 minutes, simulating a crewman’s effort to
repair it, and then it was functional again. Nice!
Generally, the player can call in artillery strikes from any vehicle he
is riding with. The mission designer who created the scenario decides many
strikes and what kind of ammo is available. The AI will call for strikes
by itself, but it seems to me that only lead vehicles being in command of
a formation do so. There are also dedicated artillery observation units
available, the benefit of these is they also call artillery, but it starts
falling with shorter reaction times, and these vehicles seem to have
better vision range. It’s a bit tricky to learn how to make best use of
these assets, for the enemy likes to start chewing on them when he sees
them hanging around somewhere. To be of use these vehicles must be exposed
so that they can see. If you keep them stored away, they will not get
destroyed, but also will not do anything for you. Keep them away from the
action as far as possible, don’t make them attract enemy attention by
sprinting around or producing lots of dust. Don’t consider them to be
items that must be deployed in the first line and maybe they will live
long enough to be of use for you. A well-camouflaged hideout in the rear
with great viewing ranges works best.
If you call for artillery manually, you do that on the map-board and
mark the area where you want the shelling to concentrate on. Different to
SB1 the square’s size and exact position cannot be changed directly.
Instead a dialogue box pops up where you have to enter numerical date for
dimension of target areas, target types, firing pattern, if the targets
have cover, how many tubes should conduct the mission, and so on. You have
smoke, HEAT, ICM and FASCAM available. Since logistics and relocation
times are a factor, you rarely will hit a target with all artillery that
potentially is available to you. A countdown timer will tell you how long
it still takes until impact. Usually the time is around 1:30 – 3:00
minutes, special ammunition can take much longer. You can call several
strikes, which will be conducted simultaneously as long as there are
different artillery batteries available. If they all are busy, they will
send the shelling according to the target list, but the reaction time
increases while they are busy sprinting to new locations between a salvo
to avoid counter battery fire. So the second shelling you order from a
unit that just fired could take, let’s say, 7 minutes, the third maybe 14
minutes, and so on.
You can call artillery also from the commander’s seat, aiming at the
intended target area with your binoculars and laze the area, then calling
in artillery via menu. The same dialogue box will come next.
You can also play as a dedicated artillery observer, riding in a
FIST-V. You raise the mast with the scopes, and laze the target, which
gives you a range, and direction and angle in mils. By menu-command you
then call in a shot, and observer it, the coordinates are automatically
processed. Next you give correction data, until the shots keep falling on
target, or close enough. Than you order the full artillery strike.
Bababooom! The procedure is a bit more than a usual game would demand you
to do, but after all – this is no game, but training. Menus also allow you
to order different kind of artillery ammunition as well as different
impact patterns, depending on how scattered the enemy forces are, and if
the terrain is open, or woods, etc. Some background knowledge definitely
works in your favor here.
You can prepare intended killing zones in advance and link these to a
trigger during mission planning so that, for example, you must not exactly
order your arty to do this or that, but you can tell them: "If enemy is
sighted at Bravo point, start shelling preset coordinates."
It is an art to use artillery on moving targets, a moving front of
tanks, for example. You must calculate the path they will choose and the
distance they will travel during the time the arty needs to react to your
fire order. This proved to be difficult for me. It is no bad thing of the
sim, but it is how it is in reality. I think experience, experience and
more experience finally will help you to get this problem solved. If you
do it right and hit a barrage full on target(s), the result is most
rewarding. But different kinds of ammo do different kinds of damage to
different kinds of targets, this should be taken into account when
ordering a strike. After a barrage was fired and the shells stopped
impacting, the area will be marked for a long while with clouds of smoke
and dust in the air. The event itself is almost intimidating, especially
sound-wise (aaaargh!).
There are also mines available for being implemented in a scenario,
they even can be artillery-delivered (FASCAM). Besides these expensive
gimmicks there are five other types of mines available (conventional
blast, hollow charge, scatter mines), some of which are laying flat on the
ground, leaving them visible, others are dug in and thus, invisible.
Although there are not really two dozen subtypes being modeled, this
aspect of the sim really plays out well and does what it is intended to
do, offering you some diversity. Units with scouting orders, units at slow
speed and certain unit classes with special abilities have a higher
probability to find out they have entered a minefield without blowing up,
or losing a track. Scenarios with breaching operations I can imagine to be
tricky to be won but I admit I hate to play mine-games. So I just tested
this aspect very perfunctory. But what I saw worked well, I found nothing
to complain about here. Breaching is an important element now, MICLICS and
tanks with mine plows will slowly clear a nice passage through a
minefield, marked with red flags.
Point obstacles are also available now, like dragon-teeth,
anti-tank-ditches made of steel beams or abatis, roadside-bombs (IEDs),
bunkers and such things. Using them (or minefields) not only to stop an
enemy advance, but also to canalize his movements into the intended kill
zone is something that can be very "satisfactory", if it works. But I
found enemy reccon units not always cooperating – they really try to find
gaps between two minefields, for example. The successful construction and
tactical layout of a complex defense line needs, like artillery timing,
some experience and practice, you must get used to read the terrain by the
SBP-maps correctly and translate the map info into a correct image of the
landscape inside your head to plan these things correctly. If you want you
can set up a mission of breaching a defense line of minefields, trenches
and tank obstacles like it was the case in the Iraqi desert 1991 and 2003
(only burning oil is not included in the sim).
How far the level of realism is going you can see in this detail:
protective dug-in pits for vehicles are also available, the AI will find
them automatically if it is ordered into the vicinity of such battle
positions. To my surprise I found out that they vary in size and depth, so
that there seem to be various kinds of pits for different vehicles.
Eventually you sink an IFV that deep into the earth that it cannot shoot,
or you try a pit with an MBT while the pit was designed for a Marder, so
that it does not give that amount of hull-down-protection that the MBT was
hoping for.