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Spearhead Revival  -- TankSim.com Exclusive 
Featuring the  Spearhead 2000 contest. Win a free copy!

You buy a sim, play it a while, then it sits in the closet or on the shelf. You move on to new games and sims. That's understandable. But does that significantly diminish the playing value of a sim that is less than two years old? We don't think so. While we were waiting for Steel Beasts we got hooked on iMagic's SPEARHEAD all over again. The gameplay is brisk and challenging and the sound details are spot on. And by golly, there's something to be said about some variety. After countless hours with Panzer Elite, M1TP2, and Panzer Commander, it's really cool to crawl back into the SPEARHEAD M1A2!

Please assist us in starting a Spearhead Revival. 

  • We have updated our review to compare Spearhead against newer tanksims. 

  • Tanksim.com will be offering new custom scenario packs soon. Get the first one now: Thunder Alley  (read the mission briefs).

  • Jack and David are hosting weekly multiplay games on the SPEARHEAD server (access it from the game) every Sunday evening at 1800 hrs CST. 

  • The  Spearhead 2000 contest. Win a free copy!

  • We've marked the price on SPEARHEAD in our Tanksim Store down to $9.95, so if you haven't tried SPEARHEAD, there's no financial reason not to (before they're all gone!)

  • Finally, we are in contact with Zombie (developer) and hope to have some news about a possible sequel that puts the Spearhead player in new theaters of war.


     So dust off that copy of SPEARHEAD and meet us online. 


SPEARHEAD 2000 Contest  
Enter and win a free copy of the loudest tanksim recorded!


Deadline was Aug. 30, 2000. Winners to be announced Sept. 1, 2000 and e-mailed. Each winner will have three days to respond by e-mail and claim their prize. 


Thanks for participating!



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